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The Polish Committee is really in the NEWS this month! We were invited for a video Interview by Dziennik Zwiazkowy (Polish newspaper daily, and also by WPNA FM 103.1 Polish American Mix Radio Station for a phone Interview. Please check out the links below, which are in Polish in order to reach our Polish speaking followers.

Thank you Dziennik Zwiazkowy for inviting us to discuss our non-profit 501c organization and our upcoming Fundraiser Masquerade Gala on January 19th, 2024! We had the interview with the DZ General Manager Lukasz Dudka, and the interview was in Polish language. We talked about our accomplishments and activities during the last 20 years of Roselle-Bochnia Sister Cities Partnership.

Polski Komitet Roselle Sister Cities Association – współpraca między miastami Roselle i Bochnia (

How much do you know about the history and activities of our organization RSCA-Polish Committe in Roselle?
Please take a listen to this Podcast in the link below our Polish speaking followers! 🇮🇩
WPNA FM reporter @Jacek Zielinski had a radio interview with a representative of Roselle-Bochnia Sister Cities Wieslawa Rojek, and he also called our Sister City Bochnia in Poland mayor Stefan Kolawinski. Thank You WPNA FM and Jacek Zielinski!

Cister Cities | Roselle – Bochnia