Certificate of Recognition
RSCA received a Certificate of Recognition from the Village of Roselle mayor David Pileski because we won the 2020 Illinois Sister Cities Award. A few representatives attended the Village Hall meeting on October 25th to accept the Certificate, and also hand off our Award to the Village. We would like to dedicate our Award plaque to all Roselle Residents, Businesses, Police, Fire, Village workers and Community Organizations. Presently we have a Sister City in Bochnia, Poland, a Friendship City with Laatzen, Germany, and there are two committees pursuing relationships in Italy and India.
Mr. Mayor, we hope you have a prominent place in the Village Hall to display our award and we look forward to being a part of the Centennial in 2022!
For donations via check, make Payable to Roselle Sister Cities Association, and mail to 116 S. Prospect St., Roselle, IL 60172
*Please select which area you would like to direct your donation.*