Events – 2021
March 29, 2021 – Due to the State not yet entering into a Phase Five protocol for the COVID -19 pandemic, the Village, in conjunction with the volunteers of the Roselle Lion’s Club and the Roselle Chamber of Commerce, have decided to cancel the Rose Parade and the Rose Festival for 2021. It was not an easy decision, but the health and safety of the community and its residents is of the utmost importance. We expect that 2022 will have no such restrictions.
For the remainder of the year, the Fireworks on July 3rd and the Taste of Roselle on August 6th through August 8th is still planned to happen but will be subject to the same pandemic considerations in the next few months.
The Cocoa Crawl date has been tentatively changed to Saturday, December 4th. More information on that event is forthcoming.
For donations via check, make Payable to Roselle Sister Cities Association, and mail to 116 S. Prospect St., Roselle, IL 60172
*Please select which area you would like to direct your donation.*